Money Saving Tips For Seniors
The majority of people enjoying their senior years live on a fixed monthly income, but the cost of living continues to rise. Even if you have a retirement fund, you may discover it isn’t going to be enough to support the lifestyle you wanted for your retirement. People living on Social Security, a small pension, and savings must use their money wisely. Many retail establishments and online stores offer discounts for seniors Some businesses consider you a senior if you are 50, and others require you to be 55 or 60 to receive the benefit of their discount program. Senior discounts are also allowed on a variety of travel-related expenses. Always research airline, hotels, rental cars, and restaurants to find those that offer a senior discount. The following tips will help you give money every day.
Save Money When Grocery Shopping
Check with your store to see if they have a senior discount policy. it never hurts to ask, and it may encourage your store to start one. Grocery chains around the country are starting to offer certain discounts to seniors. Remember, when you’re shopping:
– Never shop without a list. Buy store brands or generic brands when they are available.
– Sign up for all free rewards programs Stores often offer discounts and coupons as part of the program
– Compare prices. Stop at the store where you can save the most money.
-Use coupons. You’ll find them in the Sunday paper and online.
-Shop after breakfast or after lunch. Never go shopping when you are hungry.
Dining And Entertainment
it’s always a pleasure to eat out, especially when dining with friends, but it can be expensive. Seniors 51 to 69 years old recently indicated in a Gallup survey that they will start spending more money on groceries and eating at
Many buffet style restaurants offer senior discounts. They also offer lunch prices until a certain hour in the afternoon. Eat an earlier dinner and give money.
Celebrate a birthday with lunch at a restaurant, and return home with friends and family for cake and coffee. Free ”birthday meals” or a free snail cake are offered at some restaurants.
Use coupons whenever possible. Many restaurants offer weekday specials with a free beverage or free side dish with coupon.
Have pizza and a movie at home. You can purchase pre-made pizza dough in the grocery store. Cover it with sauce, dressing, and you favorite toppings for a delicious meal. Enjoy your creation with a free movie from your local library or a low-cost rental. Netflix, for under $10 a month, is another source of movies old television shows, and their own series.
Invite friends over for an evening of games, drinks, and snacks. Card or board games with plenty of conversation, laughs, and tasty snacks is another way to have fun without spending a lot of money.
Prescription Savings
Rite Aid, CVS Pharmacy, Walgreen, Kmart, Target, Walmart, and AARP offer prescription savings cards The Walmart discount prescription card is free Others may charge a small annual fee. Other pharmacies in your local area may also offer special discounts for seniors. Always ask for savings information before deciding on a pharmacy for your prescriptions.
Relish your retirement years and save money at the same time. Using membership discounts, senior specials, and coupons will help cut back expenses and still allow you to enjoy life.
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from Dylan Prime Seniors